
Did Andrew Tate’s Money Mindset Make Him Rich?

Money mindset is a hot topic among entrepreneurs these days. Some people even say it’s the #1 factor that makes or breaks a person’s finances. With a net worth of $250 million, it’s only natural that Andrew Tate has a thing or two to say about money.

Who is Andrew Tate and how the heck is he so rich?

Andrew Tate is a British-American entrepreneur, former kickboxer, and Internet personality. He is best known as the founder of Hustlers University, a paid membership for people who want to start online businesses (and become ultra-rich like Tate himself, of course).

Tate has had many lucrative business ventures, such as his cam girl empire and chain of casinos. However, Hustlers University is his primary source of income today.

OK, so what does money mindset mean exactly?

In a nutshell, it’s your beliefs and attitudes towards money. It’s the premise that if you believe that money is evil or you’re not worthy of wealth, you will not attract it into your life. On the other hand, if you have a positive relationship with money and believe that you can create abundance, you’re much more likely to become wealthy.

According to money mindset advocates, when you shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance, you open yourself up to new opportunities and start bringing more money into your life. (Sounds like woo-woo magic? Maybe it is, but that is a debate for another day.)

Was Andrew Tate born rich?

Lots of people ask this question because they want to know if it’s possible to achieve the same level of success if they don’t have a wealthy background.

Andrew Tate’s messaging caters to new money hopefuls, not old money aristocrats. In case you’re not familiar with the phrase, old money refers to wealth passed down through generations. New money, on the other hand, is earned through hard work and entrepreneurialism.

It’s safe to say that Tate is new money. According to him, he used to be poor  and was not born into a wealthy family. He earned his fortune from his own businesses.

Tate is all about making money from scratch and becoming a self-made multimillionaire. He preaches that anyone can achieve wealth, regardless of their background or starting point.

Sounds inspirational, right? It is—as long as you can look past Andrew Tate’s strange comments about poor people.

What Cobratate believes about low-income individuals

Many people believe rich people are bad. Tate has similar feelings about poor people—but instead of calling them evil, he thinks the impoverished are downright dumb.

Here are just a few of his many opinions on poor people:

According to Tate, race does not matter when you’re wealthy. When you’re poor, it divides you.

We have to warn you—these next few quotes are pretty offensive. But they are a perfect demonstration of why Tate believes poor people are stupid.

“Rich people all get along, no matter what color they are.”

In a recent video, Tate explains (using his logic) why poor people are divided and why rich people all get along. Here’s what Andrew Tate had to say about low-income individuals

“The only people who divide themselves by color are the poor people.” In other words, racism is an issue that only poor people worry about. Billionaires, on the other hand, are too busy making money to care about such things.

Since Tate is a person of color himself, this seems like a pretty tone-deaf statement—but who knows? Maybe when we have over $100 million in the bank, we’ll finally understand.

“It’s not about black and white. It’s not about Democrat and Republican. It’s not about any of the things that the elites are tricking you into thinking it’s about.” Then, he tells us that if we are worried about race, politics, or any of the divisions in society, we are “low IQ.”

Instead, Tate suggests that we should all be thinking about money. “The billionaire black people and the billionaire white people are friends. They are on the same team. And their team is against your team.”

So, apparently the rich people are out to get us, and they are making up issues like a “phony virus” to keep us preoccupied so we cannot band together and take them down. This is truly innovative thinking.

Why Tate believes being poor is a lose-lose situation

Tate also has something to say about the spending habits of poor people.  He poses a hypothetical scenario:

100 poor people receive $1,400 checks. Instead of leaving the money in the bank, the poor people either spend or invest it.

The people who spend the cash hand it over to businesses that rich people own. The remaining people invest the money in stocks of businesses that… you guessed it, are also owned by rich people.

But this is our favorite part of the video: Tate mentions that when “200 poor friends” pool their money together and buy a house, it takes the house off the market and raises the property value of the area. And guess who owns all the homes in that expensive neighborhood?

Once again, rich people.

According to Tate, if you’re poor, you’re screwed no matter what you do with your money. That’s why he says that getting rich is the only way to win in life.

Of course, there are many problems with this way of thinking. For starters, it’s incredibly classist and makes a lot of assumptions about poor people. It also completely overlooks the fact that many rich people got their start by taking advantage of low-income individuals.

But hey, we are all entitled to our opinions. We can’t blame our dear Cobratate for exercising free speech.

Clearly, poor people don’t know anything about rich people.

This video gets an honorable mention because it’s hilarious. Tate explains that poor people make assumptions about rich people  when they have no idea what they’re talking about. Enjoy!

Do Andrew Tate’s negative opinions about poor people help him get even richer?

This is one of those tough questions that nobody wants to ask—or even try to answer. But we’re going to take a stab at it.

It’s no secret that many rich people look down on those who are less fortunate. And while this might seem wrong, it’s also understandable. After all, if you’ve worked hard to achieve something, it can be frustrating to see someone else squander their opportunities.

However, there’s a big difference between having sympathy for someone’s plight and actively trying to make their life worse. Tate seems to fall into the latter category.

But is money everything to Tate? Actually, it’s not.

“Masculine frame is not all about money.”

Interestingly, Andrew Tate does not believe that money is the most important factor in success.

When he was a guest on the Full Send Podcast , he stated that “masculine frame is not all about money.” He goes on to say that while having a lot of money is great, it’s not the be-all-end-all.

“I did very, very well in my life when I had no money,” Tate asserted. “There are dudes in New York right now selling CDs on the street with like four girlfriends, and they’re just tearing through p*ssy.”

So, does “tearing through p*ssy” equal success? In Tate’s world, we think it’s a major contributing factor.

How gratitude affects Andrew Tate’s money mindset

Despite all the controversies we just covered, Andrew Tate is inspirational (sometimes).

Look, we’re not here to roast Tate or make him look like a bad guy. We’re here to show you all sides of him, and he has made some inspirational statements in between the times he’s been caught on camera making misogynistic or ableist remarks.

In this video, Tate encourages viewers to change their language , meaning they should speak positivity into existence.

For example, instead of saying, “I have to go to work,” say “I get to go to work.”

Tate encourages viewers to be grateful for what they have and to always look on the bright side of life. He also suggests that speaking positivity into existence will help you achieve your goals.

It’s a feel-good message that is worth taking to heart, even if it did come from Tate—and believe it or not, it ties into a positive money mindset, too.

Gratitude is a powerful money-attracting force

According to money mindset experts like Oprah, gratitude is the key to attracting financial abundance.

When you’re grateful for what you have, it shows God/The Universe that you’re ready to receive more. And when you focus on all the good in your life, it’s easier to see opportunities for abundance and success.

But is Tate really grateful for what he has? Unfortunately, we can’t read his mind. Only Tate knows the answer to that question.

Did Andrew Tate’s money mindset make him rich?

It’s hard to say for sure. However, it’s certainly possible that his positive relationship with money played a role in his success.

When Tate was starting out as an entrepreneur, he was not afraid to take risks. He was also very confident in his ability to make money and did not doubt his own worthiness of wealth. (Actually, it doesn’t seem like he’s ever doubted himself once in his entire life.)

These are both qualities that are often associated with a healthy money mindset. So, it’s possible that Tate’s success is at least partially due to his positive relationship with money.

There’s also a chance that Tate is just a lucky guy who was in the right place at the right time (time and time again), but we don’t think so. When you dive deep into Andrew Tate’s story, it’s clear that he is a smart and savvy businessman who knows how to make money.

Whether you believe in the power of money mindset or not, there’s no denying that Andrew Tate is one rich dude—and that speaks volumes in itself.

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