Andrew Tate’s Final Message: What’s Next for Cobratate?

In August 2022, a great injustice occurred. Andrew Tate was banned from nearly every major social media platform. He has been banned on Twitter for a hot minute, but recently Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube followed suit.

Why? Because Andrew Tate is not afraid to speak his mind, and social media platforms are notorious for censoring the voices of people with unpopular opinions.

After the mass ban, Tate posted a “Final Message” to his fans on Vimeo. The video was nearly 1 hour and 15 minutes long, and our beloved Top G had a lot to say. In his words, the video is “concise and compendious.”

Andrew Tates Final Message from FreeTopG on Vimeo.

In honor of Andrew Tate, and in hopes that he will one day return to social media, we’ve decided to discuss the wisdom he shared in his final message:

Tate Begins by Sharing a Childhood Memory of Being Bullied on a School Bus in Chicago.

He said that two kids who were much bigger than him sat behind him on the bus and picked on him every day.

Tate went home and told his father, Emory Tate Jr., about being bullied. His father encouraged him to stick up for himself.

One day, young Cobratate had enough of the bullies. He swung his Batman lunchbox at one of the bullies, severely injured him, and ran off the bus as fast as he could.

Tate’s father didn’t scold him for what he did. Instead, he bought him an identical Batman lunchbox to replace the damaged one, and he said, “I will buy you as many of these as you need.”

Andrew Tate attributes much of his demeanor and mentality to the way his father raised him. That’s why he knows that sharing his truth in this final message is so important—because he believes that young men need a strong masculine role model to look up to.

Andrew Tate is Relatable…

…when you look past the Bugattis, supermodel girlfriends, and multimillion-dollar fortune, that is.

He’s had his ups and downs, just like the rest of us. He’s been broke, he’s had his heart broken, and he’s been marginalized for being a foreigner and a person of color.

In the video, Tate mentioned that he was bullied again when he moved to England because he was American. However, he said that over time, people began to respect him when they saw that he didn’t take their snide remarks personally.

Tate is a self-made man who has accomplished more than most people ever will. He’s a world champion kickboxer and a successful businessman. Today, he is also the most searched person on Google—or as he calls it, “the most famous person in the world.”

Can the Internet’s most viral star really be like the rest of us? He is, and that’s one of the reasons why so many young men look up to him.

What Does Cobratate Think of the Social Media Ban?

Although Tate thinks the ban is unfair, he also understands why the platforms did it. Here’s what he said:

“Instagram or Meta have a responsibility to show that they are listening to the public. They want to show that they are listening.”

Tate does not blame the platforms for banning him, but he allegedly has “some good people on the case” and plans to open a dialogue with the social media platforms to see if he can reinstate his accounts.

Tate Blames Short-Form Video for Making Him Look Bad.

Tate said that he is often misunderstood because people take his words out of context in short-form videos.

From now on, he will be very careful with his words in long-form videos and podcast interviews. 

Tate is taking a break from podcasting for now. He isn’t sure how to articulate himself in a way that won’t be chopped up and misconstrued.

In Tate’s words:

“I don’t know with all of my genius intellect if I can find a way for nothing to be used against me.”

For example, there is a video in which Tate describes the differences between men and women. He holds traditional views on gender roles, which are often seen as controversial in today’s society.

In the context of the entire conversation, it is clear that Tate was not trying to demean women. However, the clip of him saying, “Women do certain things, and men do certain things” was taken out of context and used to paint him in a negative light.

ICYMI—a wave of Tate fans started chopping up his videos and circulating them around the Internet so they could promote their Hustlers University affiliate codes and earn the coveted 50% commission from enrolling new students. (Hustlers University is Andrew Tate’s wealth-building school.)

It’s a Tate-approved way to make money, but it gets people interested in his work who wouldn’t have found him otherwise. As we’ve seen with other Internet stars, great popularity also attracts a plethora of haters.

With the way Cobratate speaks and the controversial statements he makes, it’s easy to take his words out of context and make him look like a monster—but we believe he is far from evil.

Especially after listening to his final message, we think he is a victim of cancel culture and Internet shaming.

We hope that social media platforms will reconsider their decision to ban him and give him a chance to share his message with the world again.

Andrew Tate Believes Men are Underrepresented in Our Society.

After being banned from social media, Tate emphasized how much of a problem it is that men are underrepresented in society.

Men are the ones who built civilization, and yet they are the ones who are being censored, marginalized, and oppressed. Tate believes the feminist movement has gone too far, and it’s time for men to stand up for themselves.

Tate has experienced censorship firsthand. He was banned from multiple social media platforms just for speaking his truth.

Cobratate believes that he is the only true masculine role model for young men in society, and that’s why it’s so important for him to share his beliefs with the world.

BTW, Cobratate Loves Women, Too.

In his final message, Tate said that he loves women. He believes that men and women are equal, but they are not the same.

In multiple interviews, Tate has highlighted the biological and neurological differences between men and women. He believes that these differences should be celebrated, not ignored.

Although Tate has been called a misogynist and a sexist, he claims those labels could not be further from the truth. Tate simply has traditional views on gender roles. He believes that men should be the leaders in society, and women should be cherished and respected.

Tate believes that all women should be taken care of and protected from violence. However, he also thinks there is a double standard when it comes to how men and women are treated in society. Men are held to a higher standard, and they are often demonized for their masculinity.

According to Cobratate, it’s time for men to start speaking up and reclaim their rightful place in society. Only then will we be able to create a more balanced, harmonious world.

Tate is an Advocate for Men’s Mental Health.

Tate said that if he returns to social media, he will use his platform to help men who are struggling with mental health issues.

He believes that society has failed men by not teaching them how to deal with their emotions. But his views are contrary to the beliefs that most mental health advocates hold.

Tate has said many times that trauma is a necessity in a man’s life. He alleges that men need to experience pain and suffering in order to become strong.

In his opinion, society has become too soft, and men are no longer allowed to be men.

Here’s what Tate said in the video:

“As a man, trauma and difficulty [are] extremely important because [they’re] the building blocks for mental fortitude and physical fortitude. So, I’m very, very happy that my life has been difficult because it’s impossible to become a capable man or a man of my capability without facing serious adversities.”

Cobratate’s views on mental health have always stirred up controversy. Let’s not forget his infamous tweets about depression in 2017. Here are two of the highlights:

“The way depression is so violently defended is strange. So desperate to be unhappy and have an excuse to not change it. Very odd.”

— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) September 8, 2017

“So people defend depression. They get angry when I say this. Because they need this bullsh*t to justify their own failures.”

— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) September 7, 2017

Needless to say, Tate’s views on mental health are not popular. In fact, some have called them downright dangerous. But we truly believe that Tate has good intentions in his final message when he says he wants to help men with their mental health.

We hope that he will be able to use his platform to reach men who are struggling and provide them with resources that will help them. According to Tate, he already has.

In the video, he said:

“The media has genuinely bought into a construct where people believe I’m somehow dangerous when all I have done is save people from depression.”

Tate has claimed that men DM him saying that his content and messages have cured them of depression. While we cannot verify these claims, we do know that Tate has a large following of men who look up to him. If he is able to help even a fraction of his followers, then he will have made a positive impact.

We want to thank Andrew Tate for his candor and his willingness to be open about the struggles he faced throughout his life. We hope that he will continue to help men who are struggling with mental health issues.

Cobratate is Also an Advocate for Protecting Women from Domestic Violence.

Once again, we can’t forget about the ladies!

Tate also said that he will use his platform to protect women from violence. He believes that men have a responsibility to defend and protect women.

Unfortunately, our bud Cobratate has a lot to prove in this sector—at least among his critics.

Multiple domestic abuse organizations and advocates have labeled Tate as misogynistic and dangerous based on his colorful language (such as saying that women shouldn’t drive) and a video that surfaced of Tate hitting Naghel Georgiana, his ex-girlfriend, with a belt.

Georgiana came forward to defend Tate and said that the act of violence was completely consensual. Allegedly, both parties viewed it as a game.

In Tate’s final message, he elaborated on the situation by saying:

“I have no criminal charges. There’s no charges at all against me. I have not hurt any women. No women are coming forward saying, ‘Andrew hit me.’ Zero. The only video of me and a woman in a consensual act, she came forward and said it was a game. There’s nothing on the Internet from any woman saying that ‘Andrew is a bad person, a misogynist, he did this to me.’ Not one. It’s just misunderstood clips on TikTok.”

Tate Also Addressed the Human Trafficking Allegations.

Once again, the media has skewed a narrative to make Cobratate seem like a terrible person.

In the final message video, Tate blamed “the left” for being “racist” by claiming that he moved to Romania because it was easier to run a human trafficking scheme without getting caught.

In our opinion, it really is an extreme claim to call someone a human trafficker without much evidence.

Tate explained that his house was “SWOTed,” meaning that someone called the police and made a wild claim that women were being held hostage at his house. The SWOT team showed up, performed the search, and that was it. No one got arrested. There were not any hostages at the house.

Cobratate’s claim makes sense because if the authorities did find women trapped at his house against their will, he likely would be in jail (unless there’s something we’re missing here).

We’re going to give Tate the benefit of the doubt and say that the human trafficking allegations are false, especially because it is not uncommon for celebrities to get “SWOTed.”

The Bottom Line: Tate Does Care About Women.

We could go on for hours about the controversies, but today we’re here to talk about the good Tate is doing in the world. He plans to donate upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars to charities that protect women from domestic violence.

This is an admirable goal, and we hope that he will be able to use his influence to make a difference in the lives of women… and men, of course.

Let’s Talk About Tate’s Philanthropic Plans.

Cobratate has been very vocal about his plans to give away a large sum of money to charity. He says that he will be donating over $1 million to men’s mental health organizations and women’s organizations that prevent domestic violence. Tate pledged $1 to each cause ($2 total) for each like he received on one of his recent Instagram posts—before he got banned, of course.

This is an incredibly generous gesture, and we hope that Tate will be able to follow through on his promise. In his final message, he requested that Instagram share with him the final number of likes on the post he made so he knows exactly how much money to donate to charity.

Tate is not new to philanthropy, but he doesn’t use it for PR like many other celebrities do. In his final message, Tate mentioned two of his other charitable acts: running a shelter for stray dogs and rebuilding an orphanage in Romania.

We commend Tate for his philanthropic efforts. To hear all about Cobratate’s charitable initiatives, you can subscribe to his newsletter.

(FYI—if you sign up, you’ll probably get emails about Hustlers University 3.0, too.)

Cobratate Views Himself as a Martyr and Urges Fans to Be Respectful of Haters.

Tate ended his final message by calling himself a “martyr” and telling his fans to be respectful of his haters. “Don’t fight hate with hate,” he said.

Instead, Tate encouraged his fans to respond to hate and criticism with logic and facts, such as showing others how short-form video clips can be taken out of context. Tate urged fans to be the bigger person in every situation and to never stoop to the level of his haters.

We think this is excellent advice, and we hope that Cobratate’s fans will take it to heart. After all, the best way to win an argument is with logic and reason, not by name-calling and insults.

We hope that Andrew Tate will use his social media break to work on his philanthropy as he said he would. We also hope that he’ll be back soon so we can continue to enjoy his content.

Do You Think We’ve Seen the Last of Andrew Tate?

We have our own opinions, but we want to hear yours. Sound off in the comments below.

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