
Andrew Tate Reveals The Truth About Money, Power & Wealth

On June 12, 2022, THE CEOCAST podcast by Raheem Khalid released an episode where Andrew Tate discussed his TikTok fame, views on economics, how to escape “The Matrix,” and what he thinks about the traditional education system.

We’ve highlighted the main takeaways below!

But wait—who is Andrew Tate?

Before we jump into Andrew Tate’s statements made on the podcast, let’s introduce who he is and what’s made him so controversial on TikTok.

The British-American has won several professional kickboxing championships, but that success wasn’t the source of the wealth he has today. In a TateMoneyMatrix video, the kickboxer claimed that $100,000 was the largest sum of money he ever earned from a fight. After stepping away from kickboxing, he decided to find ways to generate money online.

Along with his brother and a few friends, he founded a webcam business, where models would entertain and collect money from lonely male viewers. At its peak, the company had over 75 women working for it and made $600,000. They called this operation a “total scam,” yet did not feel bad for men when they would send over their inheritance or hard-earned cash.

Several years later, he established Hustlers University 2.0. It’s an online course that provides resources for members looking to make a passive income. Tate also began to make appearances on numerous podcasts to build his network and promote his services. The Hustlers University Discord server has more than 100,000 active users right now, with it growing in size every day. He offers additional programs such as Iron Mind and War Room. 

Now, he’s become one of TikTok’s most well-known and outspoken names. Thanks to followers of Hustler University, he has over five billion views on TikTok from their reposting of his content for affiliate commission. He enjoys flaunting his multi-millions, usually on his Instagram profile . He owns many supercars, including a Bugatti Chiron. Tate often shows himself dressed in expensive clothes and on boats further displaying his wealth for all to see.

Even though he’s gained fame in the TikTok space, he’s not the most liked character. His misogynistic and controversial views have earned him an equal amount of love and hate from TikTokers.

He reflects on his TikTok fame

Andrew Tate discussed his recent viral moment on TikTok:

“The world’s kind of getting like that for me now ever since I conquered TikTok. I can’t go anywhere…everywhere I go, it’s just, Hey! It’s Top G, and some people love me, some people hate me. Yeah…in certain parts of the world, that’s not a big deal. In other parts of the world, I’m a bit on edge.”

Tate also declared that his rise to fame didn’t happen by chance–far from it. He chose to take over TikTok. Smart move–he didn’t have to spend his money or time developing short-form videos. TikTokers put in the work of reposting his videos and analyzing his actions. Now, he can reap the rewards. Tate outlined his plan during the podcast episode:

“I put a plan together to conquer TikTok four months ago, and I’ve now completed my conquest. So, I conquered TikTok faster than the United States conquered countries. For four months, I put a plan together. Boom! Done. Now it’s mine. I own it and finished it. I didn’t spend a penny, didn’t spend a single penny on advertisements. I don’t even have a TikTok account myself.”

Escaping the matrix

The hosts asked him about his consistent references to The Matrix. Is this guy talking about the movie, or? Tate chimes in:

“When I talk about ‘The Matrix’, I’m talking about the systems which have been created by society, which are deliberately designed to enslave. The movie The Matrix was used for our body heat. But here, this matrix was used for our efforts and our energies. You’re existing inside of a system, which is deliberately rigged to make the rich richer, and for the poor to stay poor. And you can sit there and get upset about it. You can sit there and cry about it and say the system needs to change.”

He’s not wrong. There are structures in our society that keep the one percent at the top with most people struggling to get out of poverty. How is this matrix contained? Tate thinks he’s cracked the code and broken out of “The Matrix” :

“I think that property is one of the big tools ‘The Matrix’ uses to enslave to keep you in a system.”

He also notes:

“I always knew that ‘The Matrix’ existed, and I always knew that the traditional systems did…I just knew even when I was going to school, and they’re sitting there going, ‘You’re not going to get a good job if you don’t get good grades.’ I was the one sitting there going, ‘You’re a liar! Shut up.’ I just knew the teacher was lying.”

Tate thinks people should not follow these traditional structures and achieve their income in out-of-the-box ways, such as owning online companies and creating a passive income. He’s very against working a 9 to 5 and receiving a college education. Tate thinks that’s just not the method to achieve success. It didn’t work for him, so he found another way to be prosperous.

Economics: How the poor stay poor

Tate explains his thoughts on the global financial system and how it is set up so that only a few get richer, leaving ordinary workers in poverty no matter how hard they try to change the status quo:

“I know that’s a waste of time, right? That’s futile. The best thing to do is to understand the rules of the game and find a way to win. So, yes, the game is rigged. Yes, the Richards are always going to get richer. Yes, the poor are always going to struggle, and that’s the way the game is set up, so you still need to find the best move on the chessboard. There’s no point sitting there saying I want to play a different game. That’s never going to happen because the people with the money are the people who have control, and they have the power. And why would they have the game set up any other way? Why would they change it.”

On the podcast, he also discussed government stimulus checks. During the pandemic, Jeff Bezos increased his fortune despite the global emergency, which was a topic heatedly discussed last year and at the beginning of 2022. The campaign #TaxTheRich grew in popularity, and it’s been used by many legislators in the U.S. amid the upcoming elections in November. Tate continues to outline what he thinks about economics:

“I think a lot of people don’t understand the true basics of economics. The basics of economics state that even giving money to the poor…ends up back in the hands of the rich. There’s no way to stop the rich getting richer. I’ve already explained this before, but I remember during COVID when they did the stimulus checks, and they passed all this free money to everyone…$1,000 in England. But in America, everyone got $1,400 each, and everyone was happy about it, saying, oh! He’s giving money to the poor. Yeah, but what do those poor people spend that money on then? Well, Amazon stock tripled because they all went to Amazon. So Jeff Bezos got richer.”

Student of life

Tate has talked about his aversion to traditional educational systems on several occasions. His statements are extremely resonant for the Millennial and Gen Z generations, which is potentially the real reason behind his sudden popularity. He is a voice to the generations that were promised a stable career if they received an academic degree. Unfortunately, that’s not the current situation. Most of us won’t ever be capable of affording our own houses, and some are still paying off student loans for that “bright future,” our parents promised us.

Tate seems to have a wealth of knowledge; he shares information in a direct, forward way presenting them as facts. He doesn’t agree with the traditional education system model and would rather learn through life experiences. He described his outlook in more detail throughout the episode. Tate stated:

“I’m still a student of life…nobody knows everything, and there’s still a lot of people who I respect and will always respect and always am quiet around and treat without absolute respect, but I’ve been learning for a very, very, long time. I’ve always been very, very, observant, trying to pay a lot of attention, and life really doesn’t have to be hard.”

“Everybody knows that the system and the path they lay out for you is not a path that’s going to lead to where you want to be, and I didn’t know what the other path was, but that intrinsic distrust for the system and that distrust for the things they wanted me to do made me search for other avenues, and then I found them…if you speak to the people who are richest…if you speak to the people you know have the most money and go up to them and say, ‘Hey, what made you rich?’ None of them say school.”

Andrew Tate’s views of status and discipline

He also briefly gave his opinion about new millionaires and why they tend to lose their status too fast. Tate said:

“There’s a lot of people who make a lot of money with their first company, but they just spunk it, act an idiot, and it all blows up in their face! And that’s how you get the discipline on your fourth company. That’s when you have three million in the bank, you just leave it there.”

When Khalid asked how much money Tate actually has, he says:

“I don’t have a clue how much money I have. When I was broke, I knew exactly how much money I had at 117 pounds in the nat west, and that was it…now I’m at a point where it gets really difficult to truly measure how much money I have because you have cash, okay, that’s easy. I have some crypto which is constantly fluctuating, and then you have assets, and the price of the assets is constantly fluctuating. And then I have companies and income streams which need to be valued, and how do you value them, right? They can be an eight times multiplier in some circumstances, and in others, there will be a ten times multiplier! So it’s really difficult for me to put a value on it.”

Tate closed the interview by promoting his business:

“Join Hustlers University. You can begin to make some money, and if you’re actually serious about brotherhood, about working with people, about networking, about understanding how the world really works. If you already have a little bit of money or you’re starting to make money and you want to find a way to attribute that towards your freedom, then that’s what the War Room’s all about. And we’ll see you inside of there, so I’m very accessible as a person. You can find your way to me inside of the networks.”

We’ve dived into the world of Andrew Tate to share some of his takes on money, power, and wealth.

Do you agree with any of his statements? Let us know in the comments.

You can listen to the rest of the podcast episode on streaming services, such as Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

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