What is an alpha male? A man at the top of the social hierarchy. He has power, status, and confidence. The controversial TikTok personality Andrew Tate has many views on what it means to be an alpha male, considering he views himself as one. Tate had a chat with John Sonmez on his Bulldog Mindset podcast to discuss what it means to be an alpha male and how to become one.
We checked it out, so you don’t have to, and we’ve outlined the main points from the discussion below.
Is the World Against Alpha Males?
The host starts the episode off by saying Andrew Tate exemplifies his definition of what an alpha male is because he does what he wants, says what he wants, and gets what he wants. Tate responds by saying he thinks all men should want to break free of societal norms, to be able to do whatever they want.
However, he contradicts himself later in the podcast. If men don’t want to be the type of man he is, then they’re considered pussies. So, he’s not for all men doing whatever they want. He’s for men doing what he wants them to do. He’s attempting to influence the masses with his alpha male propaganda, and the host gives him another platform to do that.
During Tate’s interview with Somnez, both men agreed on their views of the alpha male.
Tate shared his opinion on what’s the biggest issue with men in society, saying:
“I think the greatest problem that we have in society today is the pussification of men that so many men are just fucking pussies exactly because this is the society. I mean, we can go really far down the rabbit hole with this one. I don’t want to go full Alex Jones on you.”
If you don’t know who Alex Jones is, he is an American conservative, alt-right, and far-right radio host and conspiracy theorist who’s been on trial for defamation. A Texas jury concluded that the conspiracy theorist must pay one family $45.2 million in punitive damages for propagating misinformation about the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.
Going back to Andrew Tate, he kept reflecting on his own theories about why men are so complacent in the present. He added:
“The truth is if you want to control a society you need to control the men because it’s men who riot and call revolutions. It’s men who can fight. It’s men who can really make a serious change. I mean, women can scream and complain, but they can be largely ignored. But when men start to riot, you have problems.”
Most of his statements and theories are not backed up by hard evidence. He thinks something and says it as if it’s a fact. He explains how he thinks men are being dominated by the lack of sex and taxes:
“How do you avoid that (riots)? Well, you make sure the men don’t have enough will or enough gumption to put up to resist the absolute shit show they’re being forced to put up with. Because the truth is that 99 {c8122336fa184b41b825475f39221c7fa2e59423b242708028c1f2502555c53f} of men in the Western, the world is awful, and most of them know it, and most of them feel it, and still they will continue to pay their taxes and go to their job and sit inside of their sexless marriage because they’ve lost their will to resist. And this is done very very this is done very specifically this is done on purpose. It’s not an accident.”
Tate blames this on women:
“How could you be a patriarch in a matriarchal society where females have the entire power of the law to destroy you at will? You can’t, so the truth is the reason most men act the way they do is because they know that if push comes to shove, the entire force of the legal system will always side with the female, so why does the man come home after working a long, long 10, 11 hours in the coal mine and ask for a cup of coffee? And his woman tells him to fuck off. He continues to have no sex for three-four years. His kids don’t respect him. He’s semi-depressed, nearly suicidal, but he doesn’t get divorced.”
Tate paints a picture of a man deserving sex after a long day of work. The actual reward for work is a paycheck and maybe feeling like you’ve contributed to society. Women don’t owe men anything, but Tate thinks otherwise. Alpha males, as viewing themselves at the top of the social hierarchy, think everyone else owes them something.
Andrew Tate’s View Of Depression
A few years ago, Andrew Tate was banned on Twitter over his depression and mental health tweets. Actress Sophie Turner was one of the celebrities who responded to his rant. She tweeted:
“I’m not sure anyone would want to think like an arrogant dickhead like you. Depression is real, just like your unnecessarily huge ego.”
Tate explains his opinions back then on the podcast:
“My biggest ever outrage is when, this was about four years ago, is when I was still verified on Twitter. Before I got banned and I said depression wasn’t real. And I know that’s like a really controversial take, and my point was very simple. My point is that depression is a natural instinct inside men. And it’s something that is designed to show you that you need to change something about your life.”
Some of his followers called him out because of his thoughts on mental health. In Andrew Tate fashion, they received a straight-out answer:
“Why am I depressed, and how can I change this? I had people message me saying, ‘You don’t understand how it feels, I’m fat, and I can’t get a girlfriend because I’m depressed. I said, ‘no, you’re depressed because you’re fat. That’s why you can’t get a girlfriend.’ You go the wrong way around.”
Other celebrities also went after Tate, expecting to cancel him. Tate talked about how much attention he got from his tweets:
“When I said depression wasn’t a clinical disease, and it’s simply the result of not living a life that you truly enjoy, and you’re not happy with, it blew up. It went huge. I had Hollywood stars, I had J. K. Rowling and the guy who plays The Incredible Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), and everyone was coming for me. This was like the most controversial I got, and everyone was trying to cancel me.”
But it didn’t happen. Andrew survived his first cancellation.
His views on depression don’t fully support him being an alpha male. Alpha males are also seen as intelligent, and while Tate is providing one solution to depression, it’s not the only solution. Sometimes people can’t just change their circumstances or outlook on life. He’s also speaking on a topic he has minimal knowledge or experience of.
He continues to rant about depression for a long time. After, he makes a lot of assumptions over the suicide of the actor Robin Williams that are insensitive speculations and random facts about the brain and its chemistry. If you decide to listen to the podcast, we must warn you that his declarations can be triggering.
Alpha Males and Women
If you have been familiar with Andrew Tate for a while, before his rise in popularity on TikTok, you know that his views on women are based on his own experience with them. He likes to advise men who struggle to get female attention or are in difficult relationships. Tate discussed women a lot during the podcast. We’ve compiled some of the stand-out quotes below:
“If your woman is constantly disrespecting you, then I don’t think you should be married to her, and if you have 10 women who disrespect you, you don’t need to be with any of them, so it’s not about numbers. It’s about the value. You’re giving value. You need to receive value.”
“You set your own standards as a man, and if you know if your woman’s treat you like shit, but you don’t leave, she’s gonna keep treating you like shit. So it doesn’t matter how many you have, friend. You can have one woman if she’s the best woman in the world, good. It’s a matter of what you are truly getting from that relationship. That’s the key to it all.”
“Women fuck men they respect. That’s it. They don’t fuck men they like. They don’t. They don’t fuck men they love. They fuck men they respect. If she loves you and likes you and doesn’t respect you, she will not have sex with you. I have women who respect me and fucking hate me, but they’re here every time I call. So if they respect you, they’re gonna sleep with you, and this is something that’s biological and evolutionary. They fuck men they respect.”
“The best thing you can be first is a playboy. Yes, the best thing you can do is because you’re gonna learn a whole bunch about women. You’re gonna have a whole bunch of choices to choose for a wife.”
“You need to understand your boundaries and expectations as a man. And you have to set them, and you have to make sure she complies and sticks to them. And if she doesn’t, you’re gonna have to find somebody else.”
Tate highlights that men should be respected in a relationship. Cool cool. But is that same respect shown to the women? In alpha males’ eyes, their needs and wants need to be met. As Tate said, “make sure she complies and sticks to” your boundaries and expectations as a man. His male-centric view definitely matches the alpha male persona without giving a lot of credit or respect to women in relationships.
Are Alpha Males Good Leaders?
With power comes great responsibility. If Andrew Tate is an alpha male, does that make him a good leader?
Alpha males typically have a dominant personality. Their actions can be abrasive, cutting, and condescending. However, they’re usually successful in business and sometimes with the opposite sex. They’re known to speak over people and invalidate the opposing side in debates in an effort to win.
Authoritarian leadership and the alpha male go hand in hand. This leadership style consists of the person in charge having complete power and control over their subordinates. Alpha males can present themselves as essentially bullies. It’s their way or the highway. There’s no room for discussion or collaboration. Would you want a leader like that?
Alpha males boast of having all the answers, and they use their material resources to elevate their appearance. They tend to only respect other alpha males, or Top Gs, maintaining the same lifestyle, ideals, and rank they consider valid. If a man falls out of that stereotype, they look down upon him and label him a Beta. A Beta male is considered less macho and operates in a passive role.
Generally, the best leaders operate in an authoritative style. They are considerate and respected for their ability to mediate and handle stressful situations with a good predisposition. They motivate their team and listen to their concerns. They establish unity and a balance of power among their team. The best leaders do not feel threatened when it comes to leaving space for others to lead as well. Opposite of an alpha male.
So, Is Andrew Tate an Alpha Male?
From his many statements and ideas, we can gather Andrew Tate matches some definitions of an alpha male, but everything he says should be taken with a grain of salt. He often says he can get whatever he wants, but a lot of that is all talk with no receipts. We’ve also established alpha males aren’t the best leaders. So, why should you follow this man’s teachings?
After Andrew Tate’s two-hour interview with John Sonmez, we learned what Tate thinks about alpha males, mental health, power, and women. Do you agree with any of his views? Do you think Andrew Tate is an alpha male? Tell us your thoughts in the comments.